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Id like this if the audio was acc good
sexy 😂🥳🥴👍
You spin ma head right round
Me lov dis!!!!!!!!!!
this audio dude im throwing up ugh how can 1500 ppl like this
delete the song
wht the fuck
Hell ya
@user-812349312: i agree
fuk ya love this song
@user-641925289: fuk you
@dj-johnny-barvo: yep
fuk you
hole shit
Absolutely the shittiest quality version of this song i have ever heard
Cool Song
sounds like crap
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas babe
It gives me great pleasure to present you with three meditations to activate your Light Body, your sacred Merkaba, as well as a fourth guided visualization to activate the Light Body of Mother Earth. These meditations have recently been revised and are now a nineteen breath Light Body/Merkaba activation, taking you into the frequency of the fifth dimension.
The first nineteen breath Light Body/Merkaba activation presented assists in anchoring and activating the geometries of Light of the star tetrahedron in particular, and is the ideal place to start if you are unfamiliar with the Light Body/Merkaba activation, as this activation links you into the Christ Consciousness grid, and brings through the appropriate axiatonal lines, as well as activating the dormant DNA related to your multidimensional Selves.
The second nineteen breath Light Body activation is for those of you that have worked with The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program, or the teachings of the Elders and in particular the Light Body/Merkaba and Sacred Geometries transmissions. This second Light Body activation works with the sacred geometries of the platonic solids, and the star tetrahedron, and as these sacred geometries are already anchored and activated within the energy field and hologram, it is appropriate to work with this Light Body activation.
The third Light Body activation is how I visualize activating my Light Body and once you are familiar with exactly how the Light Body is activated, you may like to try this Light Body/Merkaba activation, which is more in tune with the breath and an easy way to visualize the geometries. This Light Body/Merkaba activation further connects you in Cosmic Consciousness awareness to all nine dimensions.
The last in the series of these meditations focuses on the activation of the Light Body of Mother Earth, and Planetary Light Work.
If you are unfamiliar with the Light Body/Merkaba activation, the primary shape we work with is the star tetrahedron, which in this energy system comes in around your body and within a silver-gold bubble of Light 10.8 feet /3.24 meters in diameter around you. Three star tetrahedrons are superimposed over one another with the apex of the top and bottom star tetrahedrons coming in 2.4 feet/72 cm above your head and 2.4 feet/72 cm below your body respectively. This size is related to the third level of Christ Consciousness and is Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
For the first nine breaths, you breathe in and out to the count of seven as you focus on the nine dimensional portals, connecting you to the nine dimensions that we work with. The next five breaths focus on the three superimposed star tetrahedrons, and for these five breaths, you would inhale to the count of seven, hold the breath to the count of five, and then exhale to the count of seven. The key here is to first visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron, as it exists around you. As you visualize this star tetrahedron, you will see the apex of the top tetrahedron, the tetrahedron known as the male aspect tetrahedron, reach up and touch the top of your silver-gold bubble, your sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm above your head. The bottom or base of this top tetrahedron, the male aspect, comes down to just below your knees. The apex of the bottom tetrahedron, known as the female aspect tetrahedron, reaches to the bottom of your silver-gold bubble, your first dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm below your body, and the base of this female aspect tetrahedron comes up to your heart chakra. For women, you want to visualize the ridge of the top tetrahedron, the male aspect tetrahedron, centered along the back of the body and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron, the female aspect, centered along the front of the body. For men, you want to visualize the ridge of this top tetrahedron centered along the front of the body and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron centered along the back of the body.
The last five breaths activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension. Due to the unprecedented activities of Light that have recently occurred on this earth plane, primarily the 999 gateway and the portal of Light created into Atlantis at this time, it is possible to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension. In these last five breaths, you spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively, while the etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary, to one third the speed of light, two thirds the speed of light, nine-tenths the speed of light, the speed of common light, a fourth dimensional frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness and then to the fifth dimension, into the frequency of the Pleiades Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.
You will rotate these star tetrahedrons to specific fibonacci ratio spirals, with the highest ratio always relating to the mental body star tetrahedron. For the third dimension, spinning the Light Body to nine-tenths the speed of light, the fibonacci ratio spiral is 8/5 (8 to 5). To work with this fibonacci ratio spiral, on your seventeenth breath, as you stabilize your Light Body to nine-tenths the speed of light you would bring your focus to your third dimensional portal, your crown chakra, and think of this ratio, 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. What this means is that your mental body star tetrahedron will spin around you in a counterclockwise direction 8 times, whilst your emotional body star tetrahedron spins around you 5 times, for 11 sets, at God speed to infinity; a speed not possible to measure. As 11 is the Christ Consciousness number for the third dimension, you do this 11 times. And to activate your Light Body to the speed of common light, you would bring your focus to your fourth dimensional portal, 0.02 feet/6 cm above the crown chakra, and think of the ratio 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. Then to activate your Light Body beyond the speed of common light, to the fifth dimension, you would bring your focus to your fifth dimensional portal, 0.6 feet/18 cm above the crown chakra, and think of the ratio 21/13, accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity.
Following this, you will shift 90 degrees to the right through your fifth dimensional portal, and stabilize your Light Body to the frequency of the fifth dimension by bringing in a seafoam green and violet octahedron surrounded in a silver sphere, which you place at the entrance to your fifth dimensional portal, along your fluorescent tube of Light. Your Light Body/Merkaba, when fully activated extends 54 feet in diameter around you, with an inner energy field extended 10.5 feet above and below your body respectively, and forming a shape that extends out, not unlike a space ship.
Another suggestion is to consider programming your Light Body/Merkaba with any number of programs you like – some suggestions might be, “I program my Light Body/Merkaba to divert negative electro-magnetic influences”. “I program my Light Body/Merkaba to be seen by only Beings of the highest Light”. “I program my Light Body/Merkaba to protect me from any negative earth energies or other negative influences” and so on.
With the Light Body/Merkaba activation, just allow yourself to experiences these energies and don’t try and jump into the left-brain, wondering if you are doing it correctly. Your Light Body activation is assisted through Light Body Angelic Beings of the Light, called The Light Body Coning Members, who assist you in your Light Body/Merkaba activation.
Enjoy the magical journey.
From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Light Body/Merkaba Activation One
Welcome sweet Ambassadors of Light. This Light Body, sacred Merkaba meditation, is for those of you that are unfamiliar with the Light Body/Merkaba activation, and are working with anchoring and activating the appropriate sacred geometries of Light.
Let us now call upon the Light Body Coning Members to assist you as you activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension.
Call in the Christed One
Call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Call in the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
Call in the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light
Call in the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light
Call in the Brotherhood of the Light
Call in the Mahatma
Call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing
Call in Pan
Call in your Higher Light
You are now ready to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension with the assistance of The Light Body Coning Members. Let us begin.
On the first breath, inhale and exhale to the count of seven and focus on your first dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm beneath your feet, and your connection to Mother Earth.
On the second breath, focus on your second dimensional portal, your perineum center and your connection to the realm of nature spirit intelligence.
On the third breath, focus on your third dimensional portal, your crown chakra, connecting you to the Earth plane, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy.
On the fourth breath, focus on your fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet/6 cm above the crown chakra and your connection to your Primal Soul of the Light, the Sun, Helios and Vesta.
On the fifth breath, focus on your fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet//18 cm above the crown chakra, connecting you to the Pleiades and to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.
On the sixth breath, focus on your sixth dimensional portal 2.4 feet/72 cm above the crown chakra, connecting you to your Higher Self of the Light, Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and Melchior.
On the seventh breath, focus on your seventh dimensional portal 3 feet/90 cm above the crown chakra, and your connection to Andromeda, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
On the eighth breath, focus on your eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet/1.62 meters above the crown chakra, and your connection to Orion, Lord Melchizedek, and the Brotherhood of the Light.
On the ninth breath, focus on your ninth dimensional portal 24 feet/7.2 meters above the crown chakra, and your connection to your Christed Overself of the Light, the Mahatma, and to Mother/Father God
On the tenth breath, visualize the top tetrahedron fill with blue-green Love and Light. Hold the breath to the count of five. Exhale and visualize the bottom tetrahedron fill with blue-green Light and Love.
On the eleventh breath, inhale and visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Exhale and again visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron.
On the twelfth breath, inhale and visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize this emotional body star tetrahedron.
On the thirteenth breath, inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize this mental body star tetrahedron.
On the fourteenth breath, inhale and visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath. As you exhale, feel your Higher Light very clearly in these three superimposing star tetrahedrons.
On the fifteenth breath, suck in and spin the emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction within your ninth dimension sphere. Blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons as they now spin around you at one-third the speed of light.
On the sixteenth breath, suck in and spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within your ninth dimensional diamond sphere. As you blow out, the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons now spin within this sphere at two-thirds the speed of light.
On the seventeenth breath, suck in and focus on your third dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at ninth-tenths the speed of light.
On the eighteenth breath, suck in and focus on your fourth dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at the speed of common light
On the nineteenth breath, suck in and focus on your fifth dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 21/13, accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at the fifth dimension. Now shift 90 degrees to the right through your fifth dimensional portal.
Good. Now focus on the inner sphere created through your Light Body/Merkaba activation, coming in 10.5 feet/3.15 meters above your head and 10.5 feet/3.15 meters below your body respectively, or 27 feet/8.1 meters in diameter around you, linking you into Melchizedek Consciousness, and the Cosmic Consciousness and integration of your Higher Light. When you have a sense of this inner sphere of your activated Light Body/Merkaba, visualize a miniature sea-foam green and violet octahedron contained within a silver sphere and place this sacred geometric shape directly over your fluorescent tube of Light at your fifth dimensional portal. Feel your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizing to this fifth dimensional frequency of Interstellar Christ Consciousness. Now again focus on your ninth dimensional diamond sphere 54 feet in diameter around you and your golden Flower of Life, bringing through the Light and Love of the entire Creation.
Now program your Light Body/Merkaba with any programs that are appropriate for you at this moment.
And now, just thank the Light Body Coning Members, as you disconnect from them, while remaining connected to your Higher Light.
With this, we bid you the most magical day.
Light Body Activation Two
Welcome, sweet magical Beings of Light. This Light Body/Merkaba activation works with the sacred geometries of the platonic solids, and the star tetrahedron.
Let us now call in The Light Body Coning Members, so they may assist you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension.
Call in the Christed One
Call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Call in the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
Call in the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light
Call in the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light
Call in the Brotherhood of the Light
Call in the Mahatma
Call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing
Call in Pan
Call in your Higher Light
Just feel the Overlighting of these magical Beings of Light as you now activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the fifth dimension.
On the first breath, inhale and exhale to the count of seven and focus on your first dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm beneath your feet, and your connection to Mother Earth.
On the second breath, focus on your second dimensional portal, your perineum center, and your connection to the realm of nature spirit intelligence.
On the third breath, focus on your third dimensional gold sphere 6 feet/1.8 meters in diameter around you and your connection to the Earth plane, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy.
On the fourth breath, focus on your fourth dimensional copper-gold sphere 6.04 feet/1.81 meters in diameter around you and your blue cube, connecting you to your Primal Soul of the Light, the Sun, Helios and Vesta.
On the fifth breath, focus on your fifth dimensional silver sphere 7.2 feet/2.16 meters in diameter around you and your seafoam green and violet octahedron, connecting you to the Pleiades and to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.
On the sixth breath, focus on your sixth dimensional silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet/ /3.24 meters in diameter around you and your blue-green star tetrahedron, connecting you to your Higher Self of the Light, Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and Melchior.
On the seventh breath, focus on your seventh dimensional golden sphere 12 feet/3.6 meters in diameter around you and your pearlescent icosahedron, connecting you to Andromeda, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
On the eighth breath, focus on your eighth dimensional platinum sphere 16.8 feet/5.04 meters in diameter around you and your pink-orange dodecahedron, connecting you to Orion, Lord Melchizedek, and the Brotherhood of the Light.
On the ninth breath, focus on your ninth dimensional diamond sphere 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you and your golden Flower of Life, connecting you to your Christed Overself of the Light, the Mahatma, and to Mother/Father God.
On the tenth breath, visualize the top tetrahedron fill with blue-green Love and Light. Hold the breath to the count of five. Exhale and visualize the bottom tetrahedron fill with blue-green Light and Love.
On the eleventh breath, inhale and visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Exhale and again visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron.
On the twelfth breath, inhale and visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize this emotional body star tetrahedron.
On the thirteenth breath, inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize this mental body star tetrahedron.
On the fourteenth breath, inhale and visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath. As you exhale, feel your Higher Light very clearly in these three superimposing star tetrahedrons.
On the fifteenth breath, suck in and spin the emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction within your ninth dimension sphere. Blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons as they now spin around you at one-third the speed of light.
On the sixteenth breath, suck in and spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within your ninth dimensional diamond sphere. As you blow out, the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons now spin within this sphere at two-thirds the speed of light.
On the seventeenth breath, suck in and focus on your third dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at ninth-tenths the speed of light.
On the eighteenth breath, suck in and focus on your fourth dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at the speed of common light
On the nineteenth breath, suck in and focus on your fifth dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 21/13, accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at the fifth dimension. Now shift 90 degrees to the right through your fifth dimensional portal.
Good. Now focus on the inner sphere created through your Light Body activation, coming in 10.5 feet/3.15 meters above your head and 10.5 feet/3.15 meters below your body respectively, or 27 feet/8.1 meters in diameter around you, linking you into Melchizedek Consciousness, and the Cosmic Consciousness and integration of your Higher Light. When you have a sense of this inner sphere of your activated Light Body/Merkaba, visualize a miniature sea-foam green and violet octahedron contained within a silver sphere and place this sacred geometric shape directly over your fluorescent tube of Light at your fifth dimensional portal. Feel your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizing to this fifth dimensional frequency of Interstellar Christ Consciousness. Now again focus on your ninth dimensional diamond sphere 54 feet in diameter around you and your golden Flower of Life, bringing through the Light and Love of the entire Creation.
And now, just thank the Light Body Coning Members, as you disconnect from them, while remaining connected to your Higher Light.
With this, we bid you the most magical day.
Light Body Activation Three
Welcome, sweet magical Beings of Light. This is the Light Body/Merkaba activation I use, taking your consciousness to the ninth dimension through the related fibonacci ratio spirals and then coming back to the fifth dimension.
Let us now call in The Light Body Coning Members, so they may assist you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension.
Call in the Christed One
Call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Call in the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
Call in the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light
Call in the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light
Call in the Brotherhood of the Light
Call in the Mahatma
Call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing
Call in Pan
Call in your Higher Light
Just feel the Overlighting of these magical Beings of Light as you activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the fifth dimension. Let us begin.
First dimensional portal, Mother Earth, 2.4 feet/72 cm beneath your feet.
Second dimensional portal, Nature Spiritual Intelligence, perineum center
Third dimension, Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy, gold sphere 6 feet/1.8 meters in diameter
Fourth dimension, Helios and Vesta, blue cube surrounded in copper-gold sphere 6.04 feet /1.81 meters in diameter around you
Fifth dimension, Pleiadians, seafoam green and violet octahedron surrounded in silver sphere 7.2 feet/2.16 meters in diameter around you
Sixth dimension, Sirians, blue-green star tetrahedron surrounded in silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet/ /3.24 meters in diameter around you
Seventh dimension, Andromedans, pearlescent icosahedron surrounded in golden sphere 12 feet/3.6 meters in diameter around you
Eighth dimension, Melchizedek Brotherhood, pink-orange dodecahedron surrounded in platinum sphere 16.8 feet/5.04 meters in diameter around you
Ninth dimension, Mother/Father God, Christed Overself, golden Flower of Life surrounded in diamond sphere 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you
Visualize the top blue-green tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Visualize the bottom blue-green tetrahedron.
Visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron.
Visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron.
Visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. Visualize the mental body star tetrahedron.
Visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath. Visualize all three star tetrahedrons.
Spin the emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction within your ninth dimension sphere at one-third the speed of light.
Spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within your ninth dimensional diamond sphere at two-thirds the speed of light.
Third dimensional portal, crown chakra, 8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity.
Fourth dimensional portal, 0.02 feet/6 cm above the crown chakra, 13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity.
Fifth dimensional portal, 0.6 feet/18 cm above the crown chakra, 21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity.
Sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm above your crown chakra, 34/21, 44 times God speed to infinity.
Seventh dimensional portal, 3 feet/90 cm above the crown chakra, 55/34, 55 times God speed to infinity.
Eighth dimensional portal, 5.4 feet/1.62 meters above the crown chakra, 89/55, 66 times God speed to infinity.
Ninth dimensional portal, 24 feet/7.2 meters above the crown chakra, 44/89, 77 times God speed to infinity.
Now bring you focus back to your eight dimensional portal, then the seventh, sixth, and now the fifth dimensional portal. At your fifth dimensional portal, shift 90 degrees to the right through this portal. Now visualize a miniature sea-foam green and violet octahedron contained within a silver sphere and place this sacred geometric shape directly over your fluorescent tube of Light at your fifth dimensional portal
Now focus on the inner sphere created through your Light Body/Merkaba activation, coming in 10.5 feet/3.15 meters above your head and 10.5 feet/3.15 meters below your body respectively, or 27 feet/8.1 meters in diameter around you, linking you into Melchizedek Consciousness. Now again focus on your ninth dimensional diamond sphere 54 feet in diameter around you and your golden Flower of Life, bringing through the Light and Love of the entire Creation.
Wonderful. And now, just thank the Light Body Coning Members, as you disconnect from them, while remaining connected to your Higher Light.
With this, we bid you the most magical day.
Light Body/Merkaba Activation of Mother Earth
In this guided visualization, you will assist in activating the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth. To do so, you must travel back into the third dimension, so you can assist in shifting this entire Earth plane to the fifth dimension of Solar Christ Consciousness. To bring yourself back to the third dimension, focus on your fifth dimensional portal, and then shift 90 degrees to the left through this portal, bringing yourself into the fourth dimension. Now focus ninety degrees to the left through your fourth dimensional portal, coming into the on the third dimension with your Light Body still vibrating at a fifth dimensional frequency.
You now Soul travel with a host of thousands of Master Beings of Love and Light to one of the twelve main portals of entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. You organize yourself in groups of twelve around one of these twelve portals. Now call upon the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light and Archangel Michael to bring in Pillars of Light, and assist in anchoring these Pillars of Light through the twelve main portals into the Earth’s atmosphere. You are clearing negative energies of Mother Earth and her many people through these Pillars of Light, and with the assistance of all The Light Body Coning Members, the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy and the energy of the Mahatma. Continue clearing negative particles and lower frequency thought forms and energies through these Pillars of Light and these frequencies of Love and Light.
You will now assist in creating a Planetary Merkaba, in activating the Light Body of Mother Earth to the speed of common light so she may experience this fourth dimensional frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness. When the time is right, you will successfully activate the Light Body of Mother Earth to the full frequencies of Solar Christ Consciousness so that each atom and molecule on this Earth plane will be able to move through the Photon Band in these wonderful Photon Rays of Light. Now, visualize the star tetrahedronal shapes, as they are connected to Mother Earth’s etheric, emotional and mental bodies. In order to activate the Light Body of Mother Earth to the frequency of the fourth dimension you will breathe with her through your grounding cord, then visualize these star tetrahedronal shapes within her etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
On the first five breaths, you will visualize the star tetrahedronal shapes as they exist within Mother Earth’s etheric, emotional and mental bodies fill with blue-green Love and Light, as you breathe in to the count of seven, hold to the count of five and breathe out to the count of seven. You will then call upon the Brotherhood of the Light and the Christed One. The Brotherhood of the Light will bring in warps of Light in etheric crystals and implant these within the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth, so she may vibrate at a higher frequency and maintain her electromagnetic balance as you enter into the null zone and then the Photon Band.
For the next seven breaths, you will breathe in a relaxed manner as you request that the Christed One, bring in his spectrum of healing colors. These seven healing colors, which form the White Light of Christ, will be brought in one at a time over this entire Planet. At this stage you will have completed the first twelve breaths. The White Light of Christ in its full magnificence will form the next breath, which is breath thirteen. You will then call in Pan, who will bring in his Green Light as the fourteenth breath. At this stage, you will breathe in a deep and relaxed manner as you feel your full connection to Mother Earth and to Mother/Father God. As this spectrum of healing colors shines upon the Planet, you will chant the holy words of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, ‘Tsebayoth. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. You will then link up with the Galactic Federation of the Light and the numerous Star Systems and Galaxies that are assisting in this Planetary Merkaba of Mother Earth.
The last four breaths, breaths fifteen to eighteen, will be deep blowing and sucking breaths through your mouth, only this time the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons of Mother Earth will spin in opposite directions around Mother Earth, while the etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary, and a huge disk will appear around the equator. The emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons will rotate faster around this disc and the Planetary Merkaba will be created as the Light Body of Mother Earth is activated first to nine-tenths the speed of light, and then to the speed of light.
Let us begin. Visualize the star tetrahedronal shapes, as they exist within Mother Earth’s etheric, emotional and mental bodies. On the first breath, visualize the top tetrahedron of Mother Earth fill with blue-green Love and Light. Hold the breath to the count of five. Exhale and visualize the bottom tetrahedron of Mother Earth fill with blue-green Light and Love.
On the second breath, inhale and visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath. Exhale and again visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.
On the third breath, inhale and visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.
On the fourth breath, inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.
On the fifth breath, visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath. As you exhale, feel the Higher Light of Mother Earth very clearly in these three superimposing star tetrahedrons. Relax your breath now, breathing in a deep and easy manner.
Now call upon the Brotherhood of the Light and the Christed One. Ask the Brotherhood of the Light to bring in warps of Light in etheric crystals and implant these within the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth, so she will vibrate at a higher frequency and maintain her electromagnetic balance as you enter into the Photon Band. The Brotherhood of the Light members now send warps of Light into the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth.
Now request that the Christed One bring in his spectrum of healing colors. You start to chant the holy words of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, ‘Tsebayoth. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts as the Christed One now appears.
The spectrum healing ray of red appears first and you assist in anchoring this color within and around the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, healing each atom and molecule on this Earth plane of physical dis-ease, poverty consciousness, suffering and desperation. The healing ray of orange now appears, and you focus on anchoring this healing color deep within the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, healing gender issues between men and women, and furthermore, releasing the issues of control, domination and/or separation. The healing ray of yellow now appears and you visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth to anchor this color. You assist in healing all relationships on this Planet, in allowing each atom and molecule on this Planet to forgive, to Love and to form healthy relationships, creating honor and respect between individuals and Nations. The healing ray of green now appears and you anchor this color through the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you send your Love and Light onto this plane. As you anchor the frequency of Love onto this Earth plane, you open the hearts of Humanity and all Life to their own Love and Light, to their Higher Light and Love for themselves and for all bands of consciousness. The healing ray of blue now appears and you anchor this color through the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you connect each atom and every molecule on this Planet to Wisdom, Love and Divine Intelligence. As you connect all life to Solar Christ Consciousness and the frequency of the fourth dimension. The healing ray of indigo now appears, and you anchor this color within the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you anchor more of the fourth dimensional frequencies of higher Light and Love onto this Earth plane. The healing ray of violet now appears, and you anchor this color within the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, and allow every single person, every single animal, plant, tree, and object on this Earth plane to feel their full connection to the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother/Father God. The White Light of Christ now appears around and within Mother Earth, creating a deep remembrance of One Unity Consciousness. You now call upon Pan, who shines his Green Light upon this entire Earth plane to shift the Planet into the fourth dimensional frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness and to create an involutionary and evolutionary balance between Nature Intelligence and Humanity on this Planet.
You now ask that the Galactic Federation of the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light link this entire Solar System to the numerous other Galaxies and Star Systems that are assisting in activating the Light Body of Mother Earth to the frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness.
You will now complete the last four breaths to activate the Light Body of Mother Earth to the speed of common light.
On this fifteenth breath, suck in and spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons of Mother Earth in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively. Blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons as they now spin around Mother Earth at one-third the speed of light.
On the sixteenth breath, suck in and feel the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons spinning at two-thirds the speed of light. As you blow out, a huge disk nine times the size of Earth forms at the equator of Mother Earth, and her emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons now spin within this disc.
On the seventeenth breath, suck in and focus on your third dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. Blow out to stabilize the Light Body of Mother Earth to ninth-tenths the speed of light.
On the eighteenth breath, suck in and focus on your fourth dimensional portal and the fibonacci ratio spiral of 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, you stabilize the Light Body of Mother Earth to the speed of common light. Now shift 90 degrees to the right through your fourth dimensional portal. As your Light Body is already stabilized to the speed of common light, you do not need to again bring in your fourth dimensional cap.
You now experience a merging with Helios and Vesta, with Mother Earth, with Mother/Father God, and every single Master Being of Love and Light that has been assisting you in activating the Light Body of Mother Earth. You further merge with every single band of consciousness on this Earth plane, which through the Cosmic Law of Free Will will be moving into the Photon Band and Solar Christ Consciousness.
As you enter into the Photon Light Rays with the assistance of the Company of Heaven, you will experience these fourth dimensional frequencies permanently. For now, you will anchor these frequencies of Love and Light onto this Earth plane in preparation for this ascension journey into the fifth dimension. Now though, you are able to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the speed of common light and remain in form – so just sit comfortably within your activated Light Body and within your sacred space.
In the vibration of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, ‘Tsebayoth, we wish you a wonderful Planetary ascension journey into Solar Christ Consciousness.