Phantasy Star Online 2: Casino Blacknyack Guide. Make boatloads of casino coins by beating the odds or at least the awful dealer! Blacknyack is heavily based on the popular Blackjack card game, so if you’ve played it before skip to the last part of this section. For those who haven’t played before, Blackjack really only has a few simple.
Make boatloads of casino coins by beating the odds… or at least the awful dealer!
Blacknyack is heavily based on the popular Blackjack card game, so if you’ve played it before skip to the last part of this section.For those who haven’t played before, Blackjack really only has a few simple rules that need to be understood
It’s a lot of words but the game is super simple, just play a round or two and you’ll get it.
So what’s different in Blacknyack?
This is a pretty standard Blackjack chart. To find what you should do, first check if your hand is Soft and has two possible values due to an ace. If it does use the lower table with the higher number, otherwise use the top table. Next use your hand value to choose the row and the dealer’s shown card to choose the column. The intersection lists the best action in your situation.
Normally Blackjack has a house edge and you’ll bleed money, but the dealer makes some pretty awful decisions. You’ll also make a bit extra from 5-card and SP-card bonuses. Overall this strategy is pretty safe for building up your coins
However Blacknyack isn’t Blackjack, if only there were a better strategy…
Forget you were playing Blackjack, it’s now a weird Poker variant where High Card hands belong in the trash. Every hand you’re aiming for 21, 5-cards, or maybe 3-SPs once in a blue moon. The only time you’ll hold is when it’s a truly dumb idea to hit, like at 19 or 20. If you’ve got four cards in your hand the chances are too good to not get that bonus.
Don’t try this unless you’ve got a few thousand coins sitting around. This strategy makes more in the long run but you’ll see a lot of hands lost before the bonuses start saving you
This chart was developed with help from software-2’s card counting program[] as a Monte Carlo simulation, so thanks to them! For any given situation we look at the raw profitability of hitting vs staying, not even considering Double Downs. Turns out the bonus for 5-cards is just too good to pass up.