2) The Templar Class. The Templar is ESO's go to Holy Warrior class with an emphasis on the power of the sun, healing and defensive abilities. Like the Warden, the Templar's strong ability to self heal or heal a party as well as strong defensive buffs mean you can do pretty much anything you want in The Elder Scrolls Online - whether you want to play Solo or run group Content - PVE or PVP. From my initial test I think, unfortunately, you need a killing blow for the Achievement. That kinda sucks because you need to mess around with quick slots to select the pie & throw it, during combat. That means you will be least likely to get this Achievement and one of your ally will get it instead, while you waste pies & throw them at people. Place 1/4 cup water and the ground fat in a slow cooker and set on low. You can also render on a stovetop, the key is to keep the temperature VERY low. If you render the fat too quickly, you’re apt to give it more of a “piggy” taste and golden color. It’ll still be usable, but not ideal for pastries or pie crusts.

  1. Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Machine
  2. Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Wheels
  3. Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Glass

Celebrate the absurd during the next Jester’s Festival event and reap ridiculous rewards, including new collectibles, bonus XP, and more! Find out everything you need to know right here. There’s pie!

The Silly Season Returns

The Jester's Festival kicks off on Thursday, March 21, at 10:00AM EDT and will run until Tuesday, April 2, at 10:00AM EDT. If you’d like to take part in this frivolous event, travel to the pavilions located outside the cities of Ebonheart, Vulkhel Guard, and Daggerfall. Pick up the Jester's Festival Invitation Scroll from the Crown Store if you need help. Once you find a pavilion, talk to one of the three Jesters convincingly dressed as Jorunn the Skald-King, Queen Ayrenn, or High King Emeric to get started.

Complete the intro quest titled “The Jester's Festival' to acquire the delicacy known as the Pie of Misrule. (If you completed the quest last year, you won't need to do so again.) When you use this mouthwatering Memento during the event, you'll receive a two-hour 100% XP buff. You can continue to enjoy the pie once the event is over, but you will no longer receive the bonus.

ESO Stamina Templar PVP Build

Last Updated Blackwood Chapter ESO Update 30

Table of Contents

Build Video for Blackwood

Should You Play This Build?

The ESO Stamina Templar PVP Build build is for players that are looking to play battlegrounds or Cyrodiil content with a well-rounded class. The ESO Stamina Templar PVP build offers some hard-hitting burst, high mobility and great survivability. The learning curve using the Stamina Templar comes from timing your burst and using corpses and ultimate for survivability. Once you begin to learn the skills and timing, you can burst down individual players or groups while being able to survive.


This bar setup, skill loadout is designed for simplistic gameplay. Change how you see fit.


Bar One Two Handed Damage

Stampede (morph of Critical Rush | Two-Handed skill line): Smash into an enemy, dealing 1799 physical damage to enemies. This skill is a gap closer, always a critical strike and DoT

Forward Momentum (morph of Momentum |Two-Handed skill line): Gives you major brutality, increasing weapon damage by 20%, and minor endurance which increases your stamina recovery

Repentance (morph of Restoring Aura | Restoring Light skill line): A skill that heals you and allies as well as grants stamina recovery. It’s a resource tool used on corpses and provides minor fortitude, minor endurance, and minor intellect by slotting the skill which increases your stamina, magicka, and health recovery

Biting Jabs (morph of Puncturing Strikes | Aedric Spear skill line:) Strike enemies in front of you, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. This skill is your main spammable and gives a weapon critical buff

Camouflaged Hunter (morph of Expert Hunter | Fighter’s Guild skill line:) This skill grants passive weapon damage, weapon critical and increased damage when flanking an enemy and with the skill slotted

Dawnbreaker of Smiting (morph of Dawnbreaker | Fighter’s Guild skill line:) Ultimate ability that deals physical damage over 6 seconds and stunning them

Bar Two Dual Wield Buffs and Healing

Restoring Focus (morph of Rune Focus | Restoring Light skill line): A rune of celestial protection that gives you major resolve for 20 seconds increasing your physical resistance and spell resistance by 5948. You also recover stamina every second

Quick Cloak (morph of Blade Cloak | Dual Wield skill line): Surround yourself in a protective cloak of daggers, giving you major evasion which reduces the damage you take from area attacks. Every two seconds it will deal physical damage to all nearby enemies. You also gain major expedition which increases your movement speed

Extended Ritual (morph of Cleansing Ritual | Restoring Light skill line): Cleanses up to 5 harmful effects from you immediately, and provides a heal over time to you and any allies standing in the area of effect

Binding Javelin (morph of Piercing Javelin | Aedric Spear skill line): Throw a spear at an enemy that deals 1393 damage as well as knocks them back and stuns them

Resolving Vigor (morph of Vigor | Assault skill line): stamina based heal over time

Temporal Guard (morph of Undo | Psijic Order skill line): low cost ult that resets your health, magicka, and stamina form where it was 4 seconds previously. While slotted, it gives you minor protection which decreases the amount of damage you take

Priority Skill Lines & Passives

Eso how to throw pies once quick slotted machine

Class-Specific Skill Lines

  • Aedric Spear
  • Dawn’s Wrath
  • Restoring Light

Weapon Skill Lines

  • Dual Wield
  • Two Handed

Armor Skill Lines

  • Light Armor
  • Medium Armor
  • Heavy Armor

Guild SkillLines

  • Undaunted
  • Fighter’s Guild
  • Psijic Order
  • Alliance War Assault
  • Alliance War Support

Crafting SkillLines

  • Alchemy
  • Provisioning

Racial Skill Line


This gear setup is for high damage, survivability and mobility.

HeadHeavyGaze of SithisWell-FittedPrismatic
ChestMediumUnleashed TerrorWell-FittedPrismatic
LegsMediumUnleashed TerrorWell-FittedPrismatic
GlovesMediumUnleashed TerrorImpenetrablePrismatic
BootsMediumUnleashed TerrorImpenetrablePrismatic
BeltMediumUnleashed TerrorImpenetrablePrismatic
Weapon One2h – MaceDeadly StrikeSharpenedWeapon Damage
Weapon Two SwordPerfect Spectral Cloak DefendingEscapist Poison’s
SecondarySwordPerfect Spectral CloakDefendingEscapist Poison’s
NecklaceDeadly StrikeInfusedWeapon Damage
RingDeadly StrikeInfusedWeapon Damage
RingDeadly StrikeInfusedWeapon Damage

Gaze of Sithis: obtained through ESO Antiquities system, explanation here.

  • (1 item) Adds 3276 Maximum Health, Adds 1025 Health Recovery, Adds 4000 Armor, Reduces your Block Mitigation to 0

Domihaus: obtained in Falkreach Hold Horns of the Reach DLC

  • (1 item) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina, Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka

Unleashed Terror: Obtained in Castle Thorn Dungeon Stonethorn DLC

  • (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
  • (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
  • (4 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
  • (5 items) When you deal direct damage with a Blink, Charge, Leap, Teleport, or Pull ability, you cut your enemy, causing them to bleed for 10 seconds, dealing 2094 Bleed Damage over the duration and applying the Hemorrhaging status effect every tick. This ability can occur once every 10 seconds per target and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage

Deadly Strike: PvP Cyrodiil Vendor in Town of Bruma buy random bags with Alliance Points

  • (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
  • (3 items) Adds 657 Weapon Critical
  • (4 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
  • (5 items) Increase the damage your Physical, Bleed, Poison, and Disease Damage over time and channeled abilities do by 20%

Perfected Spectral Cloak: obtained in Veteran Blackrose Prision Murkmire DLC

  • (2 items) Adds 103 Stamina Recovery, Dealing damage with Blade Cloak grants you Spectral Cloak for 0 seconds, reducing your damage taken and increasing your damage done by 6%.
    • [optimal] Blessing of the Potentates: obtained in Cyrodiil Vlastaurs Elite Gear vendor
      • Set bonus (2 items) Reduces your damage taken from Players by 3%.


Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Machine

Orc =well balanced stamina race and great for PvP

Passive Skills
CraftsmanIncreases your experience gain with the Heavy Armor skill line by 15%. Increases your crafting inspiration gained by 10%.
BrawnyIncreases your Maximum Stamina by 1000.
Unflinching RageIncreases your Maximum Health by 1000. When you deal damage, you heal for 2125 Health. This can occur once every 4 seconds.
Swift WarriorIncreases your Weapon Damage and Spell Damage by 258. Reduces the cost of Sprint by 12% and increases the Movement Speed bonus of Sprint by 10%.

Khajiit= critical damage is optimal for PvE DPS along with all around good max stats and recovery

Passive Skills
CutpurseIncreases your experience gain with the Medium Armor skill line by 15%. Increases your chance to successfully pickpocket by 5%.
RobustnessIncreases your Health Recovery by 100 and your Stamina and Magicka Recovery by 85.
Lunar BlessingsIncrease your Maximum Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 915.
Feline AmbushIncreases your Critical Damage and Critical Healing by 12%. Decreases your detection radius in Stealth by 3 meters.

Imperial = provides max health and stamina as well as cost reduction

Passive Skills
DiplomatIncreases your experience gain with the One-Handed and Shield skill line by 15% as well asincreases your gold gained by 1%
ToughIncreases your max health by 2000
Imperial MettleIncrease your Maximum stamina by 2000
Red DiamondReduces the cost of all of your abilities by 6%


  • Food: Artaeum Takeaway Broth
    • Artaeum Takeaway Broth: Increases max health by 3326 and health recovery by 406 and max stamina by 3080 and stamina recovery by 338 for 2 hours
  • Potions: Weapon Damage or Weapon Crit
    • Essence of Weapon Power: = Increases weapon damage, grants major savagery increasing weapon critical, restores stamina, and increases stamina recovery. A great option if you want to go full damage
    • Essence of Weapon Critical: Gives you Major Savagery, increasing your weapon critical, restores health and stamina immediately and increases your health and stamina recovery. Another great option for increased damage
    • Essence of Health/Tri-Pots: Restores Magicka, Stamina, and Health. These are great to use if you’re having issues with survivability and/or sustain
  • Poisons: Damage Health
    • Damage Health: Deals poison damage. Poison damage is applied to 20% of the time on light attacks, heavy attacks, or weapon abilities. If you slot this it does suppress your weapon enchantments
  • Scrolls: If you need to level CP, scrolls from the crown store can help make the leveling process much faster! While using these scrolls they increase the rate that you earn experience points

Mundus Stone

  • Serpent: Great with high crit chance daggers/precise trait
    • Bonus = Increases stamina recovery by 310
      With 7 Divines armor pieces: Increases stamina recovery by 507
    • Location = Greenshade, Shadowfen, Rivenspire, and Cyrodiil
  • Lover: Run if using higher damage setup and for solo content
    • Bonus: Increases Physical and Spell Penetration by 2744
      With 7 Divines armor pieces: Increases Physical and Spell Penetration by 4489
    • Location: Auridon, Stonefalls, Glenumbra
  • Warrior: All around good balance or PVP and PVE mix
    • Bonus: Increases Weapon Damage by 238
      With 7 Divines armor pieces: Increases Weapon Damage by 389
    • Location: Malabal Tor, Eastmarch, Alik’r Desert

Champion Points


  • Rejuvenation 50 [slot-able] Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage.
    • Helps with sustain
  • Ironclad [slot-able] Grants 34.6 Armor per stage.
    • Helps being more durable
  • Boundless Vitality [slot-able] Grants 28 Max Health per stage.
    • Helps being more durable
  • Slippery [slot-able] When you are affected by a disabling effect, you automatically break free for no cost. Has a 21 second cooldown
    • Helps manage sustain and to break free from immobilizations


Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Wheels

  • Duelist Rebuff 50 [slot-able] Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage
    • Helps with damage mitigation
  • Untamed Aggresion 50 [slot-able] Increases your weapon and spell damage by 3 per point
    • Helps with damage
  • Endless Endurance 50 [slot-able] Increases your max stamina by 26 per point
    • Helps with your sustain and damage
  • Deadly Aim 50 [slot-able] Increases your damage done with single target attacks by 2% per stage
    • Helps with overall damage

Eso How To Throw Pies Once Quick Slotted Glass


  • Treasure Hunter 50 [slot-able] Increase the quality of items you find in treasure chests.
    • Helps with farming gear
  • Rationer 30 [slot-able] Adds 10 minutes to the duration of any food or drink that increases your character’s stats per stage.
    • Helps save gold
  • Liquid Efficiency 75 [slot-able] Whenever you use a potion or poison you have a 10% chance to not consume it.
    • Helps save gold
  • Steed’s Blessing 50 [slot-able] Increases your out of combat Movement Speed by .4% per stage.
    • Helps getting around faster

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